Ugh - first off - Pj is so super psyco/crazy today. This is one day I can't really stand anything. I think I'm PMS-ing.
Did a TON of cleaning this weekend. Went through my room Friday night. Have two bags for Goodwill and another that already went into the dumpster.
Saturday I slept in until 12:30, then finished making Jiji. Did more bedroom cleaning and vacuumed. Even started to utilize closet space and hung up clothing. *gasp*
Today (Sunday) managed to sleep in until about 9am - only to discover around 12pm that we missed Daylight Savings. So had to leap ahead a lil bit late. Had just finished doing all the dishes. Scrambled the boys into clothing and headed to the discount theater in Maple Grove and saw The Princess and the Frog. Wasn't too bad. Better then I thought it would be. PJ however, was a MONSTER throughout the whole thing. On the way home we stopped at Target to get more hangers.
Finished up the laundry and then tackled the boys' room. Two bags for Goodwill (one toys, one clothes). One bag for the dumpster. I still have two more boxes to go through for clothing as well. Yuck.
And sadly, I still haven't found my flash drive. I'm so bummed that it's gone. I thought FOR SURE I'd find it hiding in the boys' room - but it wasn't. I must go and mourn.